Meet Our Team
Aisha Blake
Shop volunteer
A conscious creative eager to see drastic change within the waste industry and our communities. Leaving a healthier, environmentally wealthier world for future generations.

Andrea Snelling
Director and shop volunteer
I joined Waste Nott because I wanted to be part of a positive change in our community for environment sustainability, to reduce single use plastic and food waste in everyday shopping. I love cooking and sharing my ideas of recipes and ways to use our products with our wonderful volunteers and customers.

Becky Jayasinghe
Shop volunteer
I wanted to volunteer at Waste Nott because I think it is a lovely place to shop, and I wanted to help to make sure that the shop can continue to exist for the local community.

Carolyn Mack
Shop volunteer
Volunteer since Waste Nott first opened. I love the shop, it has a friendly atmosphere, great customers and workers.

Clare Orger
Shop volunteer
I hate litter and waste especially all the plastic that ends up in the ocean and on beaches. Working in Waste Nott has meant I can make a direct contribution to reducing single use plastic and be a part of a great like minded team.

Clare Stevens
Shop volunteer
Ex-journo turned author, on a mission to rid the world of single-use plastic. I joined Waste Nott in 2024 because I shop there, support their ethos, and believe zero waste retail is the way forward.

Debbie Seaborn
Shop volunteer
I have been involved with Waste Nott since it started. The combination of playing at shops with other great volunteers, promoting plastic-free, ethical shopping with our lovely customers and generating profit for Framework and local foodbanks is what keeps me enjoying myself.

Eric Orger
Shop volunteer
Retired engineer with a life long interest in recycling and reusing to minimise waste of resources. Keen to make a practical impact locally and provide a beneficial community resource.

Ian Carroll
Shop manager
Joined Waste Nott in March 2023 bringing previous experience and a keen interest in improving our environment by reducing plastic waste.

Jenny Digges
Shop volunteer
I volunteered after enjoying shopping here. I am keen to do what I can to improve the environment and pleased to be able to support this great community initiative.

Joan Morris
Founding member and shop volunteer
I helped set up Waste Nott in 2019 and have continued to volunteer in the shop because I believe that we can all help to make our world a better place to live. If we can all rethink, reuse and then refill our existing containers we will get close to ending single use plastics.

Jude Burgess
Shop volunteer
It is great to be involves in an initiative that not only promotes a positive environmental message but also contributes to combating food poverty through the support it offers to local food banks and homeless charities.

Kitty Stephens
Director and shop volunteer
Have always loved retail, was excited to get involved in making a difference in reducing plastic and helping the planet.

Lesley Phair
Director and shop volunteer
Being part of a community initiative is very important to me. Also, working with friends to reduce use of plastic bags and packaging gives great satisfaction. Furthermore, improving our environment for future generations has to be good.

Liz Thomas
Director and shop volunteer
I have always been involved in growing food for my family and cooking and eating healthily. Working at Waste Nott gives me the chance to buy healthily , meet others on the same journey and spread the word.

Mann Hans
Website developer
I am a wedding photographer and web developer. Having built this website, for the next 12 months I will helping to maintain it and also teach others about web updates and maintenance. I live in Sherwood.

Margaret Davies
Shop volunteer
I have volunteered regularly since the shop opned in 2019. It is very rewqarding to be part of the efforts to change the way we use plastic. I ove working with other volunteers and customers from our community

Prakash Ross
Director and shop volunteer
I believe if each of us makes a small effort, we can reduce the effects of global warming and that is why I helped establish Waste Nott. Before this I set up Nottingham’s first micro community pub, Doctor’s Orders.

Steve Selby
Shop volunteer
I am one of the original directors along with my wife Ann. I am an horticultural therapists and have a strong interest in environmental issues.

Sue Evans
Shop volunteer
You're never too old to learn new skills or transfer existing ones. Joining the Waste Nott team has enabled me to do both and help promote a sustainable and ethical lifestyle.